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December 1 – First Sunday of Advent

Mass Reading

Readings for the week December 2-7

Monday,  December 2 – Advent Weekday

Tuesday, December 3  – Saint Francis Xavier, Priest

Wednesday, December 4  – Saint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Thursday, December 5 –  Advent Weekday

Friday, December 6  – Saint Nicholas, Bishop

Saturday, December 7 – Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor 


Sick and shut ins of our parish are visited on a regular basis by an Eucharistic Minister. Please contact the rectory for a visit and Holy Communion. 

St. Mary’s Parish is known for our beautiful stained glass windows showing the life of our Blessed Mother.

St. Mary’s windows tell two “stories”. The lower, larger part of each window tells the story of Mary, but the upper part of each window depict a Saint, more often a saint of the immigrant’s homeland.


Click on the link below to read the interesting facts:
