

St. Mary’s Parish is responsible for two cemeteries.

St. Mary’s Cemetery located on Cardiff Road in Nanty Glo and St. Charles Cemetery located on Church Street in Twin Rocks.  Information regarding guidelines, availability, maintenance should be directed to the following:  St. Mary’s – Mike Warmus (814)749-0551; St. Charles – Mike Pisarcik (814) 659-4393.


The Finance Committee is responsible for assisting the Pastor in maintaining and auditing the church’s financial records, to make decisions that will directly affect the church’s finances. Current members include: Chairperson – Michaela Markovich, Bill Dunchuck, Morine Long, Jerry Simmons, Lynn Stock, Carole Verba.


The Liturgy Committee assists the Pastor with planning and implementing the various aspects of liturgical activities in the parish.  The Liturgy involves every aspect of the Mass.  Current members include:  Tom Bracken, Rosemary Conzo, Karen Janosik, Betsy McDermott, Stan Popich, Mary Frances Shedlock, and Faith Wiegman.


The purpose of the maintenance committee is to assist the Pastor to oversee maintenance, repairs, and general upkeep of the buildings, property, common areas and grounds.  Dan Hoover is Maintenance Chairperson.

Parish Council

The responsibility of the Parish Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor in the development of goals for the parish.  Current members include:  Sharon Becker, Ashley Frank, Daniel Hoover,  Joe Jackens, David Kordish,  Judy Mulato, John Ostinowsky, Mary Ray, Gerald Simmons.  Youth Liason: Vacant, Chairperson –  Rick Kline, and Secretary – Jonnette Lickert.  Alternate – Robin Hoover.